Common Types of Children’s Snacks that Cause Cavities

In this blog, we can list only a few of the snacks that parents take for granted, but understanding the process of tooth decay will help you to determine healthier choices from the infinite possibilities of food combinations available. Plaque bacteria eat the minerals on teeth, minerals that saliva produces and replaces. This consumption of minerals wears tooth enamel and cavities develop. Food and drink contain sugar, which boosts plaque bacteria. The main concern is to keep teeth free of frequent and prolonged exposure to sugar.

The Candy Elephant in the Room

Candy is the most obvious sugar no-no, but not all candy is created equal. A lollipop or a jawbreaker will do more damage to your children’s teeth than certain candy bars. Candy bars that do not have gooey contents that stick to the teeth and can be quickly chewed and swallowed are better than gooey candy and hard candy that dissolves over time.

Sweet Treats

Cakes, pies, ice cream, toaster pastries, soft drinks, and sweetened cereal are lesser evils than a majority of candy choices. Unless they are particularly sticky or gummy, a regular brushing and rinsing should do the trick. These treats should be enjoyed periodically. 

Snacks High in Fructose

Fruit juices, syrups, sweeteners (agave, honey, molasses), coconut and palm sugars, sorghum, and flavored syrups are all hight in fructose. Normal brushing and flossing should keep these sugars at manageable levels. Some fruits and vegetables are also high in natural sugars.

The Not-So-Usual Suspects

Some of your family’s favorite foods are just as unhealthy for their teeth as sugary snacks. Pizza, hamburgers, fries, pasta, bread, and breaded chicken nuggets, potato chips, peanut butter, and crackers are high in carbohydrates. Carbohydrates and starches break down into simple sugars and there you are with cavities and no candy or sweet treats to show for it. 

Infants and Toddlers

These little people are at risk for tooth decay, too. No sugary drinks in bottles or sippy cups, and only water at night.

Starting a good oral hygiene regime young can help your child down the road. If you’re looking for a gentle pediatric dentistry specialists, contact the team at the family dentist office Children’s Dental Specialists today.